alexusMailer 2 (2011-15)
PHP script that can be used to send anonymous email using Sendmail. In fact it is an advanced user interface to Sendmail on Web Server, that provides templating, attachments and ability to control more then one server.
Script was originally created for fun and then following the demand I start sales. Functionality grown to reflect user requests and attract more customers.
While script was used to automate newsletters and for other common tasks, later it attracted very specific group of clients. Using ability to send emails anonymously it was used to send scam and phishing emails. Though as most modern email service providers implement protection against such primitive attack script is mostly useless for such purposes.
As main market for script was Russia, after Ukrainian crisis (2013) and following economy crisis in Russia (2014) sales were stoped. Since 2015 script is not supported anymore and available for free as OpenSource product under Apache 2.0 licence. All related online infrastructure is down since then.
You can get script and its source code at GitHub.
- Multithreading with history (History size can be changed in settings)
- Can send in background (you can close script page)
- Visual editor and Raw Code editor
- API for communication between alexusMailer and other scripts or applications
- Can load recipients and all major fields from files
- Macroses in email body text and all fields
- Unlimited amount of additional template fields
- Saving and loading email template (Backwards compatibility with 1.* templates)
- Auto attachment of images from tag and background attribute in html(e) mode
- All major fields are multiline and can enumerate while sending
- Preview of email
- Authorisation on script
- Unlimited amount of attachments to email
- Optional delay between emails
- Balancing through external servers via web shells (wso2, r57, c99, ars)
- Web Shell validation with log
- http proxy for communications between alexusMailer and web shells
- Requires only PHP5+ and Sendmail

January 30, 2018
PHP script that can be used to send anonymous email using Sendmail. In fact it is an advanced user interface to Sendmail on Web Server, that provides templating, attachments and ability to control more then one server.